Tag Archives: featured

Why are triangles bad when modeling?

So: why are triangles bad when poly modeling? This is a common question posed to me. And if you’ve watched any of my videos, you know I use tris from time to time. But a lot of people will tell you they should always be avoided. What’s really going on here? Continue reading Why are triangles bad when modeling?

Easy UV mapping in Maya 2015 and 2016

Did you know that there is an easy, push-button solution for UV mapping in Maya? A tool that automates the entire process of UV mapping? I can show you a way of easy UV mapping in Maya, using a tool so easy that a beginner can master it in seconds. Continue reading Easy UV mapping in Maya 2015 and 2016

what goes into a game art portfolio?

Hiring artists isn’t like the hiring process for any other job. After all, the hiring manager can see what you can do right away, from your portfolio. That means your portfolio needs to impress – but that isn’t all that it needs to do.

Continue reading what goes into a game art portfolio?