Part one of the bodybuilder character creation series, this video goes in-depth with the character modeling process in Maya. Twice as long as the video on my YouTube channel, more time is spent discussing crucial topology and anatomy issues like the shoulder and the hips.
Follow along with the proper IMAGE PLANES for a smoother learning experience.

• 1080P
• H.264 Mpeg4
• 41:41 running time
• 1.07 GB file size, split into 2 files

The head has more detail than the rest of the body combined. It’s crucial to have high-res detail here, to catch tiny features of the face that smaller photos miss – and this is just the kind of detail these images have!
These front and side image planes are matched up with each other, meaning all you have to do is import them into your modeling software.
Instant digital download, get modeling!

High quality body photos, these image planes were shot and edited specifically for character modeling.
Included are a front view and a side view image, matched to each other to ensure you can hit the ground running, without any setup time.
Stored as JPGs to reduce file size and keep your video card and 3D software happy. Download instantly and start modeling!

The fully NORMAL MAPPED & TEXTURED CHARACTER MODEL from the bodybuilder character modeling series.
- Complete DIFFUSE textures
- Complete NORMAL MAPS from sculpted detail in Mudbox
- 2 different CHARACTER MESHES
- 4 high resolution PNG texture files, applied in the Maya 2015 file
- Complete character mesh, ready for rigging and animation.
- Completed UV mapping, with separate materials applied to head and body for easy texturing
- Maya 2015 .MB file
- 2 .FBX file exported from Maya 2015

The completed CHARACTER MODEL from the bodybuilder character modeling series.
- Complete character mesh, ready for rigging, texturing, and sculpting
- Completed UV mapping, with separate materials applied to head and body for easy texturing
- Maya 2015 .MB file
- .FBX file exported from Maya 2015